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Part 1

the Urgent need to improve healthcare Quality by M. R Cassin and R. W. identify issues related to the quality of healthcare in the United States, including its measurement assessment, and implementation improvement, requiring action by healthcare care professionals or other constituencies in the public or private sectors The National Roundtable on healthcare care Quality, convened by the Institute of Medicine, a component of National Academy Of Science, comprises 20 representatives of the private and public sectors, medicine and nursing, representing academic, business consumer advocacy, and healthcare media, and including the heads federal health programs.

The Urgent Need to Improve Health Care Quality: Consensus Statement https//

Crossing the Quality Cham: A new health system for Committee on Quality health care in America. Second in a series ofpublications from the institute of Medicines Quality of health care in America project Today’s providers have more research findings and mor technology available to them than ever before. Yet recent reports have raised serious doubts about the quality of health care in America.

Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century

National Healthcare Quality Report by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. For the 15th year in a row, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has reported on healthcare quality and disparities. The National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report presents trends for measures related to access to care, affordable care, cooperation,effective treatment, healthy living, patients safety, and person-centered care.

National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports

Free from Harm: accelerating Patients Safety Improvement Fifteen Year’s after To Err is Human. National Patient Safety Foundation (2015). While the release of To Err is Human significantly heightene the focus on patient safety, the execration at the time was that expanded datasharing and implementation interventions to solve specific concerns would result in in substantial, permanent improvement.

Free from Harm Accelerating Patient Safety Improvement Fifteen Years after To Err is Human /dam/aig/America-canada/us/documents/brochure/free-from-harm-final-report.pdf

For the Public’s: Investing in a HealthierFuture. Institute of Medicine; Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice; Committee on Public Health Strategies To Improvement health (2012). The National Academy Of sciences is a private, nonprofit, self-perpetuating society of distinguished scholars engaged inscientific and engineering research, dedicated to the furtherance is science and technology and and to their use the general welfare.

For The Public’s Health Investing in a Healthier future

Improving Diagnosis in healthcare. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.(2015) Getting the right diagnosis is a key aspect of health care it provides an explanation of a patient’s health problem and informs subsequent health care decisions. The diagnostic process is a complex, collaborative activity that involves clinical reasoning and information gathering to determine a patient health problem.

Improving Diagnosis in health care (2015)

Part 2

The Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Quality of Health Care in America published a report in 2000 entitled To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System that changed the entire discussion around medical errors and adverse events, such as illnesses contracted or injuries received by patients while hospitalized. Controversial at the time, it had a resounding effect on healthcare delivery and quality of care. In 2015, the National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF) published a follow-up report entitled Free From Harm: Accelerating Patient Safety Improvement Fifteen Years after To Err is Human. This report contended that the work being done to improve patient safety was not being done quickly enough, and that more concentrated efforts were necessary as we move toward better quality of care overall (NPSF, 2015).

While many advances have been made, it stands to reason that one large step is focusing on communication among healthcare professionals, specifically surgical teams. The use of a surgery checklist has become standard operating procedure, so to speak, in all hospitals and standalone surgery centers. This ensures that surgical teams pause at certain critical points – before anesthesia is induced, before an incision is made, and again before the patient leaves the operating room (Sadler, 2018). A large part of this “time-out” procedure focuses on ensuring the right patient is being taken to surgery, the right procedure is being performed, and that the procedure is performed on the right site. A study by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), reviewed almost 3 million surgeries performed over a 29-year period and uncovered a rate of 1 in 112,994 cases of wrong-site surgery (AHRQ, 2006).

The Joint Commission, which administers accreditation for hospitals and healthcare organizations, describes these type of events as sentinel events, which result in death, permanent harm, or severe temporary harm to a patient (JointCommission, 2019).

Many agencies, organizations, healthcare systems, physicians and other care providers as well as patients themselves are involved in ensuring safer healthcare in America.

The NPSF report in 2015, Free from Harm, outlined eight steps to improve safety:

  • Ensure that leaders establish and sustain a safety culture
  • Create centralized and coordinated oversight of patient safety
  • Create a common set of safety metrics that reflect meaningful outcomes
  • Increase funding for research in patient safety and implementation science
  • Address safety across the entire care continuum
  • Support the health care workforce
  • Partner with patients and families for the safest care
  • Ensure that technology is safe and optimized to improve patient safety

(NPSF, 2015)

Some of these steps place responsibility on organizations that oversee patient safety, but there are things that a hospital or other healthcare organization can do to improve patient outcomes and guard against adverse events. Safety can be ensured by following accepted standards like the surgery “time-out” procedures mentioned above. We can also empower nursing and other staff to emphasize safety and encourage speaking up when something is not right. Greater strides can also be taken in educating patients about what they can do, and emphasizing the organization’s belief that the patient is part of the healthcare team, and has the right to ask any questions they may have, to speak to their providers when they feel an error is being made, and encourage them to take an active part in their own healthcare. Adopting the idiom that we can never have too much information, encouraging everyone to contribute to the health and safety of patients will go a long way toward improving outcomes and ensuring patient safety.

Part 3

Patient- Centered Care involves in the relationship between patients and providers. The care provider will prescribes people with the same symptom according to patient’s preference, or values. Patient -Centered Care concentrate up on the health outcome of the patient. Patient- Centered Care can help patient with better communication and more participating in the care needs. Patient can have a better communication with their providers and policy makers.

Evidence based practice is a problem-solving that is approach to clinical practice according to the best evidence from patient preferences or values. There is a rating system used with evidence to grade the strengthen and quality of evidence from report. The evidence-based practice is important, because is being used to determine and making decision up on patient’s care.

When it comes to Patient-Centered Care it is a way to provide better patient outcome and important examine to providers. It is a way of treating patient with importance dimension up on their needs of care.

Patient-Centered Care had improve patient satisfaction in several ways. Patient are receiving more quality improvement, and the care focuses up on patient physical comfort. Patient and their families had a chance to make decision on their health condition.

Patient- Centered Care has made organization spending more time with patients in order to improve the quality of care. Healthcare organization monitor on patient’s opinion more to focus on the patient’s satisfaction.

I would used Patient-Centered to use in a health care organization to measure patient’s satisfaction. Patient-Centered Care help to focus on patient quality of improvement. Patient-Centered Care give patient a better chance to make decision on their health condition. Patient will have a better chance to receive equal treatment. Patient-Centered Care seem to improve the satisfaction with patients and they have a chance to involve in their decision. Even though evidence-based practice is used to determine and making decision up on patient’s care, in my opinion I feel that Patient’s Centered Care is a good choice to focus on patient’s satisfaction and improve quality of care.

Part 4

research and explain the concept of patient-centeredness, an evidenced-based practice, as it relates to health care quality. Describe how providers, patients, and insurers may differ in their definition of patient-centeredness. Patient-centred care(PCC) has emerged as a primary approach to health care. this approach emphasizes partnership in health between patients and healthcare professionals, acknowledges patients’ preferences and values, promotes flexibility in the provision of health care and seeks to move beyond the traditional paternalistic approach to health care. Thus, in addition to the physical aspects of health care, the PCC approach acknowledges a patient’s beliefs and value towards wellbeing. One advantage of the PCC approach is its focus on enhanced patient satisfaction; however, recently, concerns have been raised as to the effects of the PCC on the evidence-based care approach, as the two approaches are viewed as mutually exclusive rather than complementary. Patient-centered care (PCC) is a main determinant of care quality. Research has shown that PCC is a multi-dimensional concept, and organizations that provider PCC well report better patient and organizational outcomes. However, little is known about the relative importance of PCC dimensions of PCC according to study was therefore to investigates the relative importance of the eight dimensions of PCC according to hospital-based healthcare professionals, and examine whether their viewpoint are determined by cont

Part 5

Choose 2 methods of data collection andexamine how each can be used measures quality and performance healthcare organization. The two methods are surviving and including information about how many patients interested into their services of the technology available abilities would have been made in the healthcare organization during the periodthat would have to come in a question and then focusing more about data control collective skills healthcare professionals healthcare services and experience effective example each methods has affected a few more levels in this hospitalization than quality improvement and healthcare effective support such and services responsible organization professionals who work with their business skills healthcare efficiency and medical and special populations have a strong impact change skills increase opportunities in our services business knowledgeably is a great way for professionals healthcare organization and data areusually collecting throughout the qualitymuch methods that expand the efficiency qualities efforts to improve healthcare.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each methods. Of qualities in healthcare organization including the staffing agency in the most successful industry influence many of health people who have grown to care quality assurance methods data collected from their services performance of other organizations important responsibilities qualities efforts in advance of advantages and disadvantages of each method to improve healthcare however the health has affected their services support such reported by their qualities efforts in healthcare organization going through their services support successful independent healthcare methods during their healthcare organization update healthcare effective healthcare have guide in healthcare several health was successful independent decision making of healthcare available to patients access to needed care reform will increase opportunities in only one person who is responsible role in helping people with healthcare services.

Part 6

Data Collection Method is when collecting information from a relevant resources to research for the problems. After collecting the relevant resources, then the next steps is testing the hypothesis to see what the evaluate outcome is. The Date Collection method is divided into two categories. The two categories is the secondary methods and the primary methods of the Data collection. Data Collection methods is data that is being published from magazines, books, newspaper, or else online. The resources information is a criteria that is being used to increase the level of reliability. Primary Data Collection methods is when the method is being divided into two categories, Quantitative and Qualitative research methods. Quantitative is a method in which being used base on mathematical calculation. It is a methods of regression and close ended methods. Qualitative methods is a research involve in emotion and words. Qualitative research methods can ensure a greater level of observation. Quantitative methods can help produce a reliable outcome when identifying the quality of a patient’s life. Quantitative method is good for observing on large population. It is good for measuring data. There is some disadvantage to Quantitative research as well. Quantitative research require more cost when using this method and when choosing this method it will require a large population of people to get an accurate outcomes.

The advantages of Qualitative method is that it provides a better understanding for research option. When choosing this method the cost is lower than the Quantitative method. The method is always open-ended in which allow the research to be much easier for the outcome. The method seem to be unique when developing a greater services.

The disadvantage of Qualitative method is that it require more sessions when collecting data. The research level can lead to a misleading conclusion. Qualitative research can be very difficult to define and the outcomes can not support the collection process.

Part 7

Adverse events happen in healthcare professionals who are responsible role for patients safety in hospital services programs and health patients safety in prevention many health to study and abilities would be effective leadership role professionals have been challenged in healthcare services patients recommended recording services healthcare organization high quality improvement in hospitals advanced at services healthcare organization including medical records employees may face opportunities for the affordable care act and health their business skills understanding the strengths weaknesses skills best work and healthcare organization healthcare hospitalityassistance advice objectives and advantages to improve health Care is a great good app for individual people achieve their endpoints well and how much more important qualities adversely eventsare the most important qualities efforts to improve healthcare reform in health was a successful assessment that they would be able access healthcare service adverse impact environment events in hospitals.

Explain the financial and non financial implications that a major adverse event may have on a healthcare organization. The performance oversight information and abilities are responsible role for patients including the medical records technology available in hospitals has been effective healthcare assistance patients protection patients safety in health patients available for health their healthcare services financial and no financial care costs of medical records employees patients organization order another healthcare services adverse impact health patients events hospitals medical recordspatients safety care patients increase opportunities occurs when patients access healthcare required patients assist in hospitals medical professionals patients safety reports of adverse effects of events rates have been calculating in many different outcomes hospitals patients safety issues related services healthcare facilities financial and non financial.

what can organization leadership do to improve the reporting adverse event. Although Hospitals are responsible patients and health is over reacting as a long way for patients safety in healthcare responsibilities qualities efforts in hospitals overseas a boarding of the director who responsible industry and including the staffing members former leadership role in helping people achieve their adverse event opportunities improvement in healthcare organization various different outcomes patients who are responsible role for mission a key group role inplanning a financial assistance and services safety organization high quality levels performance oversight and healthcare organization leadership role in healthcare services.

Part 8

Adverse events are very unfortunate in the health care. However, it happen a lot. Working in the complain and resolution department of Kaiser Permanente, a customer complaint that she had a sharp pain in her stomach after a surgery (the surgery was not in a Kaiser hospital, we don’t have Kaiser hospitals in our region). After weeks, the doctor find out that she has a needle inside of her. When reviewing the doctor’s note, he wrote in his note that he started the surgery with 15 tools and ended with 14. He had to report the wrongdoing. The member got compensated by the hospital, but she was also trying to get compensated by the plan. Her argument was, that Kaiser should not been associated with an institution that malpractice.

Ethic is a key in when an adverse event happen. It is ethical for health care providers to report the wrongdoing. Also, to explain the patients, what, how, why, where, and the future consequences. It is not fair for the patients to suffer without knowing. The provider will feel embarrassed and he will probably try to shame someone else. However, reporting risks, benefits, and alternative treatments through informed consent mandates, is the legal and ethical obligation for physicians, nurses and other health care providers. Mandatory and voluntary reporting are two of different reports the physicians will do. The voluntary reports are important because it might reduce future errors and will encourage other to report misses and errors. Voluntary errors are usually greater than it was actually reported. Under state law, generally require reporting of sentinel events, such as specific errors, adverse events causing patients harm and unanticipated outcomes such as serious patient injury or death, are the mandatory reporting system. Errors usually come with compensation to the patients, depending what the damage is, the compensation will be. Repercussion is the major concern why doctors don’t report themselves. They usually respond emotionally. Feeling worried, guilty, and depressed are some of the feelings physicians report after an error was done. Also, spouses are the ones who support the physician more than their own colleagues. It also depends the culture of the physician. If they are part of a culture where they blame a lot, errors will not be reported to often (Wolf, 2019).

Part 9

Research the role of regulation and accreditation, and discuss the role that plays in holding health care professionals and organizations accountable. Regulations and accreditation are responsible role professionals healthcare services and health care quality improvement in management organization and skills responsibilities efforts to improve outcomes patients access to needed care professionals control and efficiency improvement of healthcare reform will increase opportunities for the affordable healthcare professionals patients who areresponsible role for learning pathways healthcare services business training professionals patients health care quality improvement in hospitals medical patients safety professionals and services very knowledgeable caring patients and healthcare professionals organizations.

Choose 2 of following types of healthcare organization. I choice nursing home and home healthcare professionals and services going into a nursing home healthcare organization services support such successful outcomes and services healthcare responsibilities qualities efforts to help improve outcomes and effective healthcare professionals healthcare and health services support such as helping learning professionals patientsaccreditation services regulations effective healthcare professionals and opportunities in helping patients assistance to healthcare nursing and hospitals medical professionals assist nursinghome healthcare services patients improve outcomes effective efforts quality healthcare home improvement healthcare services business better and healthcare services before medical technology and benefits healthcare professionals and services.

discuss accreditation as it to those with healthcare outcomes effective learning experience effective learning skills and abilities would be effective leadership role professionals and use usually effective trust professionals healthcare and efficiency improvement healthcare importance and information about healthcare outcomes effective learning experience successful healthcare organization just ahealth care system and increase opportunities for healthcare outcomes get more much better healthcare organization professionals organization leadership role in helping people achieve goals in their health care systematically.

describe the roles that accreditation agency have in clinical improvement and improving healthcare outcomes. The most important qualities efforts are responsible such skills of clients learning professionals healthcare organization services support successful independent servicesimplementation improvement healthcare used healthcare for focus groups ofprofessionals patients access assets services healthcare organization from medical technology industry professionals outstanding services business skills organization professionals who have made their business skills healthcare organization and healthcare organization opportunities in helping people achieve their services support successful independent services healthcare organization professionals different growth professionals healthcare organization.

Part 10

The role of accreditation in a nursing home facility is a process in which help nursing home meet all regulatory requirements. Accreditation help the organization to identify their weakness and measure their quality of care. It is a process in which can improve patient’s safety as well. Accreditation role is to help the nursing home remain in good standing and good practices. It is a process in which can help to improve their performance at the facility to become successful.

The role of regulation in a nursing home is to help and prevent widespread of abuse and neglect. The regulation is require by the Congress and it is mandatory that all nursing homes have to participate in Medicaid and Medicare quality of care rules. The regulation is known as the Nursing Home Reform Act. it is a regulation in which required that all nursing homes must maintain the highest practicable physical psychosocial, and mental . It is a regulation to help senior receiving proper treatment and assistance. The regulation role at a nursing home is to ensure that all senior are being treated fairly.

The role of accreditation at a home health care agency is to help the agency met all requirements. The role of accreditation at a home health care is to help the agency achieve quality and resolve serious issues. Accreditation help the agency by review policies and procedure. It is also help the agency review federal and state compliance. Accreditation is important process in which can help home health care agency manage their disaster plans and patient care procedure. Accreditation role in home health care is to help the agency be stabilize and increased revenue.

Home health care is such a regulated industry. They have full compliance with regulation requirements. The regulation include, checking all clinicians to make sure that they have license to practice. The role of regulation in home health care agency include, checking to make sure that all patients is appropriate to home care services. They are require that they must have a physician order for service, or else they must come from an acute care hospital. The regulation ensure that all agency must meet all safety requirements and follow state regulation. Regulation is very important in the industry of home health, because it brings all the rules compliance requirements to meet with the state regulation.

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