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Disaster Recovery Planning, Prevention and Response

Disaster Recovery Planning, Prevention and Response

Disaster Recovery Planning, Prevention and Response

Question Description

Integrated Principles of Disaster Recovery and Enterprise Continuity

Thegraduate evaluates the background, purpose, and value of acomprehensive disaster recovery plan; integrates principles of disasterrecovery and enterprise continuity; and documents the plans in adisaster recovery and enterprise continuity brief.


Auniversity is applying for the National Security Agency’s Center ofAcademic Excellence. As part of that application, the university mustput together a disaster recovery/enterprise continuity plan and showproof of its implementation. To do this, the university first needs toobtain executive support for the plan. The application requires awritten justification to the executive team to support the project. Youhave been hired as a consultant to help them get organized so they canbegin putting together this plan.

The university’sadministrative offices are located in a downtown urban area. Theuniversity itself occupies all of the sixth, seventh, and eighth floorsof an 11-story building. The university’s servers are housed in anoffsite location. Approximately 350 employees work on the university’sthree floors. All but 50 employees work in 5 feet x 5 feet cubicles.Each cubicle has one laptop, one additional monitor, wired and wirelessaccess, and one voice over IP (VoIP) phone for equipment. The networkuses Microsoft Server 2003, an Exchange server, and a SharePoint serverfor all data. Student records are stored on the offsite servers, andbackups of the servers are run three times a day.

Employeescan only get into secured office locations with a secure electronickey. Stairwells are locked and are only accessible via a key codepunched in at each entrance. Elevators can only access the threeuniversity floors by using the same secure electronic key that will getemployees into office spaces.

There are some physicalrisks to the operation. Blizzards could potentially knock out power.Earthquakes could damage the building. High winds could blow out windowsand possibly injure people near those windows.


Yoursubmission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any oneindividual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased fromsources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided whenyou submit your task that can be used as a guide.

Youmust use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission becauseit provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work.Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect.The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions ofthe course.

  1. Create a multimedia presentation (e.g., PowerPoint, Keynote) (suggested length of 15 slides) which presents a disaster recovery plan/enterprise continuity plan (DRP/ECP) by doing the following:

    Note:The purpose of the presentation is to justify to administrators in thescenario the need to implement a disaster recovery and enterprisecontinuity plan for the organization.

    1. Describe the roles of a DRP/ECP team.
      1. Outline the type of training a typical DRP team will need.
    2. Outline the six resilience layers that need to be integrated into the ECP.
      1. Provide one example for each of the six resilience layers related to this enterprise.
    3. Outline how the university should go about choosing outside expertise to assist with the development of a DRP.
      1. Describe what the university will outsource to the outside experts.
      2. Discussthe process of how the university will go about identifying thequalified outside experts and what service agreements you will put inplace.
      3. Describe the outside expert’s qualifications for what you are outsourcing.
    4. Evaluate one best method for developing a DRP/ECP awareness campaign.
      1. Evaluate one best method for implementing a DRP/ECP awareness campaign.
    5. Develop presenter notes for each slide. Pleasesubmit any PowerPoint presenter notes in a seperate file that is indocument format (for example, MS Word). Identify which slide each set ofnotes apply.
  2. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.


Articulation of Response:Clarity, organization, mechanics

Not Evident

The candidate provides unsatisfactory articulation of response.

Approaching Competency

The candidate provides weak articulation of response.


The candidate provides adequate articulation of response.

A1:DRP/ECP Roles

Not Evident

The candidate does not provide an appropriate description of the roles of a DRP/ECP team.

Approaching Competency

Not applicable.


The candidate provides an appropriate description of the roles of a DRP/ECP team.

A1a:Disaster Recovery Training

Not Evident

The candidate does not provide an appropriate outline of the type of training a typical DRP team will need.

Approaching Competency

The candidate provides an appropriate outline, with insufficient detail, of the type of training a typical DRP team will need.


The candidate provides an appropriate outline, with sufficient detail, of the type of training a typical DRP team will need.

A2:Resilience Layers

Not Evident

The candidate does not provide an outline of the 6 resilience layers that need to be integrated into the ECP.

Approaching Competency

The candidate provides an outline, with insufficient detail, of the 6 resilience layers that need to be integrated into the ECP.


The candidate provides an outline, with sufficient detail, of the 6 resilience layers that need to be integrated into the ECP.

A2a:Resilience Layers Examples

Not Evident

The candidate does not provide 1 example for each of the 6 resilience layers related to the enterprise.

Approaching Competency

The candidate provides 1 example, with insufficient detail, for each of the 6 resilience layers related to the enterprise.


The candidate provides 1 example, with sufficient detail, for each of the 6 resilience layers related to the enterprise.

A3:Outside Expertise

Not Evident

Thecandidate does not provide an appropriate outline of how the universityshould go about choosing outside expertise to assist with thedevelopment of a DRP.

Approaching Competency

Thecandidate provides an appropriate outline, with insufficient detail, ofhow the university should go about choosing outside expertise to assistwith the development of a DRP.


Thecandidate provides an appropriate outline, with sufficient detail, ofhow the university should go about choosing outside expertise to assistwith the development of a DRP.

A3a:Outsourcing to Outside Experts

Not Evident

The candidate does not provide an appropriate description of what the university will outsource to the outside experts.

Approaching Competency

Not applicable.


The candidate provides an appropriate description of what the university will outsource to the outside experts.

A3b:Identifying Outside Experts

Not Evident

Thecandidate does not provide a logical discussion of the process of howthe university will go about identifying the qualified outside expertsand what service agreements the candidate will put in place.

Approaching Competency

Thecandidate provides a logical discussion, with insufficient detail, ofthe process of how the university will go about identifying thequalified outside experts and what service agreements the candidate willput in place.


Thecandidate provides a logical discussion, with sufficient detail, of theprocess of how the university will go about identifying the qualifiedoutside experts and what service agreements the candidate will put inplace.

A3c:Outside Expert Qualifications

Not Evident

Thecandidate does not provide an appropriate description of the outsideexpert’s qualifications for what the candidate is outsourcing.

Approaching Competency

Not applicable.


The candidate provides an appropriate description of the outside expert’s qualifications for what the candidate is outsourcing.

A4:Awareness Campaign

Not Evident

The candidate does not provide a logical evaluation of 1 best method for developing a DRP/ECP awareness campaign.

Approaching Competency

Thecandidate provides a logical evaluation, with insufficient support, of 1best method for developing a DRP/ECP awareness campaign.


Thecandidate provides a logical evaluation, with sufficient support, of 1best method for developing a DRP/ECP awareness campaign.

A4a:Awareness Campaign Implementation

Not Evident

The candidate does not provide a logical evaluation of 1 best method for implementing a DRP/ECP awareness campaign.

Approaching Competency

Thecandidate provides a logical evaluation, with insufficient support, of 1best method for implementing a DRP/ECP awareness campaign.


Thecandidate provides a logical evaluation, with sufficient support, of 1best method for implementing a DRP/ECP awareness campaign.

A5:Presenter Notes

Not Evident

The candidate does not provide relevant presenter notes for each slide.

Approaching Competency

The candidate provides relevant presenter notes, with insufficient detail, for each slide.


The candidate provides relevant presenter notes, with sufficient detail, for each slide.


Not Evident

Thesubmission does not include both in-text citations and a reference listfor sources that are quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

Approaching Competency

Thesubmission includes in-text citations for sources that are quoted,paraphrased, or summarized and a reference list; however, the citationsor reference list is incomplete or inaccurate.


Thesubmission includes in-text citations for sources that are properlyquoted, paraphrased, or summarized and a reference list that accuratelyidentifies the author, date, title, and source location as available. Orthe candidate does not use sources.

4. Task 1 – Task Technical Details
The purpose of the presentation is to justify to administrators in the given scenario the need to implement a disaster recovery and enterprise continuity plan for the organization. **Be sure to write your responses tailored around this specific scenario. Responses should not be generalized.
1. Describe the roles of DRP/ECP team members.
Define the DRP/ECP teams; discuss each role and function of each team.
Chapter 21 – Awareness and Training-The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management, Second Edition
Chapter 9 – Project Initiation and Management-The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management, Second Edition
2. Outline the six resilience layers that need to be integrated into the ECP.
Outline and define the six resilience layers, state why they should be integrated into the ECP.
A Comprehensive, Best-Practices Approach to Business Resilience and Risk Mitigation
a. Provide one example for each of the six resilience layers related to this enterprise.
Examples for each layer should be tailored to the scenario provided.
*NOTE – There are 2 deliverables for this item, 2. And 2a.
3. Outline the type of training a typical DRP team will need.
Define the types of DRP training requirements; discuss and justify each training item required.
Chapter 21 – Awareness and Training-The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management, Second Edition
4. Outline how the university should go about choosing outside expertise to assist with the development of a DRP.
1. You must outline what the university will outsource to the outside experts.
2. You must describe the process of how the university will go about identifying the qualified outside experts as well as what service agreements you will put in place.
3. You must define the outside expert’s qualifications for what you are outsourcing.
Chapter 26 – The Missing Elements-The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management, Second Edition
Chapter 4 – Multilateral Continuity Planning-The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management, Second Edition
5. Evaluate one best method for developing a DRP/ECP awareness campaign.
You must state, define and describe “1 best method for ‘developing’ a DRP/ECP awareness campaign” that you have identified based on your evaluation of the scenario.
Chapter 21 – Awareness and Training – The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management, Second Edition
**Building an Information Technology Security Awareness and Training Program section refer to section 4.1.1…
a. Evaluate one best method for implementing a DRP/ECP awareness campaign.
You must state, define and describe “1 best method for ‘implementing’ a DRP/ECP awareness campaign” that you have identified based on your evaluation of the scenario.
Chapter 21 – Awareness and Training – The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management, Second Edition
**Building an Information Technology Security Awareness and Training Program section refer to section 5.2…
6. Include presenter notes for each slide.
2-4 Paragraphs per slide are required. General rule: 5-7 Sentences per paragraph
*Please see formatting section above for PPT layout recommendation
B. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

 Create a multimedia presentation (e.g., PowerPoint, Keynote)
o Suggested length – 15 slides
o Use the following PowerPoint formatting
o Presenter Notes should be 2-4 paragraphs in length and in complete sentences.
 A general rule is 1 paragraph = 5 sentences
 Paraphrase
o No more that 30% unoriginal work will be accepted
 Turnitin
 No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly.
 APA Format
o APA Formatting and Style Guide…
Note: When using sources to support ideas and elements in a paper or project, the submission MUST include APA formatted in-text citations with a corresponding reference list for any direct quotes or paraphrasing. It is not necessary to list sources that were consulted if they have not been quoted or paraphrased in the text of the paper or project.

Task 1 –Task Technical Details

The purpose of the presentation is to justify to administrators in the given scenario the need to implement a disaster recovery and enterprise continuity plan for the organization.**Be sure to write your responses tailored around this specific scenario.Responses should not be generalized.

1. Describe the roles of DRP/ECP team members.Define the DRP/ECP teams; discuss each role and function of each team. Chapter 21 -Awareness and Training-The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management, Second Edition Chapter 9 -Project Initiation and Management-The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management, Second Edition
2. Outline the six resilience layers that need to be integrated into the ECP.Outline and define the six resilience layers, state why they should be integrated into the ECP. A Comprehensive, Best-Practices Approach to Business Resilience and Risk Mitigation a. Provide one example for each of the six resilience layers related to this enterprise.Examples for each layer should be tailored to the scenario provided.*NOTE –There are 2 deliverables for this item, 2. And 2a.
3. Outline the type of training a typical DRP team will need.Define the types of DRP training requirements; discuss and justify each training item required.Chapter 21 -Awareness and Training-The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management, Second Edition
4. Outline how the university should go about choosing outside expertise to assist with the development of a DRP.1. You must outline what the university will outsource to the outside experts.2. You must describe the process of how the university will go about identifying the qualified outside experts as well as what service agreements you will put in place.3. You must define the outside expert’s qualifications for what you are outsourcing. Chapter 26 -The Missing Elements-The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management, Second Edition Chapter 4 -Multilateral Continuity Planning-The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management, Second Edition
5. Evaluate one best method for developing a DRP/ECP awareness campaign.You must state, define and describe“1 best method for ‘developing a DRP/ECP awareness campaign”that you have identified based on your evaluation of the scenario.Chapter 21 -Awareness and Training -The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management, Second Edition**Building an Information Technology Security Awareness and Training Program section refer to section 4.1.1…

a. Evaluate one best method for implementing a DRP/ECP awareness campaign.You must state, define and describe“1 best method for ‘implementing a DRP/ECP awareness campaign”that you have identified based on your evaluation of the scenario.Chapter 21 -Awareness and Training -The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management, Second Edition**Building an Information Technology Security Awareness and Training Program section refer to section 5.2…

6. Include presenter notes for each slide.2-4 Paragraphs per slide are required. General rule: 5-7 Sentences per paragraph*Please see formatting section above for PPT layout recommendation B. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

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